Tuesday, June 30, 2009

out of reach!


what you need is just look back
and see what's the past looked like
then now you could learn that its not easy
to breathe the air
and to walk in this life

have you ever see the tears outside your window?
that the tears outside are even more painfull
your tears' just a little pinch in their hand
open your window and shout!

please,cant you see that all these things are dying
and all you do is freeze in your feet?
because your life isn't more precious than their lifes
if you dont even move your clean feet


im on my vacation now. and as like my prediction, i'll spend my holiday at bandung. which mean i'll say goodbye to the internet for a while. i started my holiday at 15 of june. which i spent first by went to dufan with my beloved friends. yeah. we had a lotta fun! as me,a scary-pig,never have a braveness to ride an extreme ride.BUT, because all my friends LOVE those EXTREME RIDE, i force my self really hard so finally i ride halilintar (once) , kicir kicir (five times) , kora kora (sheesh!who created this thing?!) , arung jeram, and almost all ride there. i know. psycho. but really, i never feel so happy like that day ;) THANKS GUYS! MUAH!

so, now im at jakarta. just to surf the internet and hang out with my old friends. 2 weeks at bandung really makes me feel like a polar bear who's hibernating haha im making a new great friends at bandung. so, bandung gets a lot better now. haha

and the good news is bang ukan is here now. yaaaay!;p

well thats all.
have a great holiday mate!
peace out

Thursday, June 11, 2009

its when i look back
and all the things that i left behind is such an empty
also,when i look forward
i see all things turn blur
and that's just when my steps are shaking

i want to do something!
so my steps aren't shaking anymore
but there's nothing near me
and thats just when my faith is fading

im going to fall

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

no, nothing

so, i dont know why but i prefer to post with english today.
know what,friday will be the last day for IGCSE..sheesh, feel like just a moment ago i shouted and get upset because of those how-if-i-just-call-it-so-hard-exams for the opening..now,its gonna be over!! aaarwr...

so,around this week, i found my self staring at all the fashion-blogs i found. (and yes) i feel like a geek (i just get an idea to change my blogname;p).. aaaargh! tell me when i could get those cool clothes ,shoes and bags and then tell me when could i shrink this big-body a bit?

i'm tryin to find some tank-tops.and i found one at Mango today.its colourful leopard pattern.and its freakingly cute (and the mose important thing,its not that pricey). and when i just wanna try that cute thing, my dad called and asked where am i and said he's at Sogo.and asked me and my mom to went there.URG! REALLY HAVE TO HAVE THAT TANK-TOP!

and i still try to find a nice oxford shoes, a big sneakers , a nice boot, and a heels. ALSO, a cure scarfs. yes i know,im a big dreamer..

well, i dont need bag because my mom just bought me a Longchamps Backpack, not actually a backpack. its too simple for it. its navy blue. and cute! teehee..thanks mom..

So, the next project for my fashion to-do-list are find those things up there , make this hair longer, and shrink this body..yeah ..whatever...

SOOOOOOOOO (another so) , after chemistry Multiple Choice's over this friday, i plan to go eat with my friends after that i plan to go to bandung. i miss it a lot. weird.

well,have a great rest of the day,darl.
peace out

Sunday, June 7, 2009

the thing is...
this little girl need friends
well, to play in the playground
to play that old doll
to get sweat under the sun
so, please....................
she's nothing but just a new cry baby

kecanduan solitaire-.-

iya gw kecanduan maen solitaire sekarang gara gara di hape gw skrg ada tuh maenan.klo shari ga maen aja tangan gw gatel. jelek banget yekan? solitaire pula-.-

jadi hari ini niat gw buat bljr biology kandas di tgh jalan .. gw jadi ga ada niat sama skali. biology. ohmaigat. mnrt lo. enek enek dah lo sono baca buku biologi gw yang brtnya 2 kg. gw timbang sndiri loh.
sharian gw di dpn komp. ga jelas ngapain. yang pasti browsing sharian. mata gw udh lumayan jereng. tapi jerengnya lebih mnding drpd baca biologi...

doain gw buat bsk ya..
smg aja yang diAtas ngebantu gw..

for NXN..AYOOOOH SMANGAAAAT. abis bsk. sisa 2 ujian lagi.....!! inget libur...-.-

peace out.

Friday, June 5, 2009

lagi pengen ngetik aja

hari ini sabtu dong. yihaa. gw norak sama hari sabtu skrg. soalnya mencari hari untuk lenjeh lenjeh susah bener yak. hari ini rencananya gw mau ke PIM ,ngegahul sama fadhil dan gitasya (haha ni anak berdua blm knalan sama skali). kan ga lucu gw sabtu minggu lumuten di rumah. yah jalan dikit lah.

jadi kmrn itu ada IGCSE biology paper 1 (multiple choice). yeah alhamdulillah bisa sih. sialnya, masa ada soal disuruh pilih manusia (homo sapiens) tulisan benernya kaya apa. ada yg huruf nya kecil smua lah, ada yg Hnya doang yang gede. gw lupaaaa bnget. bego bener dah ah. trus pas akhir akhir gw udh kaya org gila. nyelesein tuh nomor aja gw mikir 15 menit (lebay sih). yah akhirnya gw milih yang Homo sapiens dan sepertinya bener. (ya ga sih?)

dan, keadaan gw blkgn ini lagi ancur banget. batuk, pilek, pusing, ngerasa aga demam, ngantuuuuuk mulu dan gw ngerasa muka gw kaya bengkak smua. pas hari apa gituh masa gw tidur abis dr sklh tuh dari jm 11 ampe jam 5 sore. trus jam stgh 10 udh tidur lagi, emg kayanya gw perlu tidur banyak banyak dah. kcapean gr2 seminggu bolak balik bandung jakarta 3 kali-.-'

sebenernya post gw ga penting sih ya
lagi pengen ngetiki. gatel tangan gw
have a great saturday baby!

peace out

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Random Facts About Me

1. Has her BIG phobia on SNAKES!!!!!! ( gitasya and erin even think that snakes are cute...-.-)
2. Is a BIG SPENDER and still don't know how to spend her money as wise as possible. could barely hold her self to shop something that actually not really her NEED. so, help?
3. is an art freak-er. well, she sees this world as a compound of art. and art have to be respected. and art will always be perfect!
4.is a Lazy-pig... yeah she'll never figure out how to throw this lazy thing out. another,help?
5.thinks that size doesn't matter. yeah because she has a problem on size either. diet is a DIE with a 't'. that's what Garfield said.
6.a book eater. not actually eat it. but.. yeah..you know what i mean right.
7.a big fan of the Beatles. its because the influence of her friends named tami and nabila.
8.is a not-that-kind-of-an-'it'-girl.. she prefer to be called a nerd. and she likes it.
9.is a DORK on chemistry (and physics... and also math...and also biology).english is the only thing she could survive in.
10.is the last in series of my family. so her dad spoils her a lot. well,she doesnt like to be spoiled (well, okay sometime she likes it) , because her sist keeps telling her that she's a spoiler and that sucks!

10 are more than enough. it did kill time . hihi..
well.. in a few hours i'll face biology exam.
and i still havent study a thing til now.
yeah hell..

great friday dude
peace out